Chats with Leaders

Hack Your Brain; Change Your Life

June 28, 2022 Season 2 Episode 18

Hack your brain; change your life.  I live by this!

We all experience stress during growth and change, it’s how we are wired.  We all experience it differently, yet we all have good and bad reactions.  

Being self-aware is an absolute MUST as a leader; however, what you do with this information is the game-changer.

As we progress our careers and grow our businesses, it is essential that we prioritise time for mindset work to ensure that our own brains are not the number 1 derailer or block we have.  

Let’s face it, there are enough challenges and complexities out there as a modern leader, we shouldn’t be fighting against ourselves too. Right?

Today’s episode I share:

  • How I uncovered my de-railers, and how I navigate them.
  • Why this has been a game-changer for me in my career (and life probably too!) 
  • Stories from a few of my leaders … I love a story, don’t you know!
  • The importance of this for leaders to unlock potential and progress their careers
  • Some simple ways you can improve your own ability to navigate stress and growth

Let me know what jumps out to you from this episode.


Download my “Nail your first impression” workbook, which will help you create a compelling “elevator” introduction to get you off on the right foot and set the tone for your first 90 days (and beyond…).

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